
Great-West Lifeco announces election of Directors

Great-West Lifeco Inc. announced that the 20 nominees listed in its Management Proxy CircularOpens in a new window, dated February 23, 2016, were elected as Directors of the Corporation at its Annual Meeting held today in Winnipeg. The results of the vote by ballot are set out below.

Name For Withheld
Marcel R. Coutu 99.28% 0.72%
André Desmarais 89.49% 10.51%
Paul Desmarais, Jr. 87.61% 12.39%
Gary A. Doer 99.94% 0.06%
Claude Généreux 98.98% 1.02%
Chaviva M. Hošek 99.83% 0.17%
J. David A. Jackson 99.36% 0.64%
Paul A. Mahon 99.58% 0.42%
Susan J. McArthur 99.44% 0.56%
R. Jeffrey Orr 89.34% 10.66%
Rima Qureshi 99.95% 0.05%
Henri-Paul Rousseau 98.92% 1.08%
Raymond Royer 99.55% 0.45%
T. Timothy Ryan 99.39% 0.61%
Jerome J. Selitto 99.90% 0.10%
James M. Singh 99.92% 0.08%
Emőke J.E. Szathmáry 99.77% 0.23%
Gregory D. Tretiak 98.97% 1.03%
Siim A. Vanaselja 99.87% 0.13%
Brian E. Walsh 95.60% 4.40%

Great-West Lifeco

Great-West Lifeco Inc. (TSX:GWO) is an international financial services holding company with interests in life insurance, health insurance, retirement and investment services, asset management and reinsurance businesses. Great-West Lifeco has operations in Canada, the United States, Europe and Asia through Great-West Life, London Life, Canada Life, Irish Life, Great-West Financial and Putnam Investments. Great-West Lifeco and its companies have approximately $1.2 trillion* in consolidated assets under administration and are members of the Power Financial Corporation group of companies.

*as at March 31, 2016.